Missing pic: (I thresh the grain from the straw with a simple little 'weed whip' leaf shredder. It works a charm, but I'll have to show you that some other time. (Here is a link to the threshing blog.)
Meanwhile, back to baking, find something strong and hang on tight! Here we go with the drill. First, get a scale. It is so much easier to make bread with a scale than with measuring spoons and cups. Next, get a recipe. And last, Get a Grand Champion Sweepstakes Winner teacher to show you how. That, of course, ain't me. It was Joyce and that is her ribbon. She won two of these awards for her baking at fairs. I used to weight 90 lb. but when you live with a champion baker, things change. I'm the soup maker. If you like my soup you should enjoy it; you'll probably never get it again. I use recipes for guidelines. Artistic license is good when you make soup. Tinker and fine tune 'til you like it. Bakers are lab rats. They don't use recipes, they use formulae! And you'll get exactly the same bread every time. If it says add 35 grams, then it doesn't mean 36. No variation - and you can expect exactly the same product over and over. That was Joyce; Champion Baker! (My neighbor, Steve, and I share two things in common. One, both our wives were middle school teachers. Joyce taught 'Home Ec/Family Consumer Science. The other thing we have in common? We agree that as a result of living with middle school teachers, we are both in Permanent Fifth Grade for life! We do what we're told, and we don't give no lip! "Yes, Mrs. Inman.") |