To Every Thing There is a Season
The Farm Report 8-24-2018
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Carola's Hosta are in bloom. Our family and Carola's first began our long friendship one fall afternoon in Wisconsin. These flowers were just blooming then, and I am reminded of that day every fall. Hostas are pretty much bullet proof. Even Japanese Beetles don't phase 'em! All these plants - and more around Oakdale Farm - came from one plant when we moved from Wisconsin to Iowa. |
Part of the madness in my defense strategy is 'Benign Neglect.' I carefully hide my new little fruit trees in mountains of weeds. Even Giant Ragweed can be good for something. |
If you look closely between the two steel 'deer repellent' posts you'll see the sweetest little apple tree. And! In the tire and the weeds is a new Intrepid peach for next year. Did you know the sulfur they use making rubber tires smells like dead decaying flesh to deer? They don't like to go where their dead friends have been, so 'Hey Presto!' we have a peach survivor. Now to keep it safe from the deer AND the rabbits this winter. The struggles never end. |
And! In the tire and the weeds is a new Intrepid peach for next year. Did you know the sulfur they use making rubber tires smells like dead decaying flesh to deer? They don't like to go where their dead friends have been, so 'Hey Presto!' we have a peach survivor. Now to keep it safe from the deer AND the rabbits this winter. The struggles never end. |
'Momma's Hedge Rose' may be on the way out. Age and Japanese Beetles have taken a toll this summer. |
Out in the back gardens, here is one of my favorite gardening tools - a big lawn mower! |
See what it can do with just a few minutes of proper attention?! The 2018 sweet corn season is officially over. |
If you'll look, you can see 3 generations of garden tools here. The lawn mower, my tiller, and between them, the old reliable potato fork. The one I just about took my toe off with last summer! |
Henry Ford was quoted as saying that "Usually, a man with a machine is more productive than a man alone." Of course, he was selling machines! But for us hobby/farm/machine/history geeks, that is one of his most famous farm tools back there in the pic. It is a 1952 8N. Still works and still amazes. I actually do most of the mowing with it. The young kids can't believe THAT is where the modern 3-point hitch got its start. Yep! Harry Ferguson invented it, and Henry Ford made it and sold 'em. And that tractor is also the subject of some tremendous stories about patent infringement lawsuits, handshake deals between Henry Ford and Harry Ferguson, and the fact that Edsel Ford discovered they were losing money on every one of the hundreds of thousands of 'em they sold. Edsel was shocked! Henry felt that if people could see those little grey tractors in the fields, they would want to go to town and buy one of his cars! He made his money on the parts, son. On the parts! School has started, the leaves are turning, and I'm turning under the garden. Have a good week. |
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