September Song:
The Farm Report 9-14-2018
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"You were my September song, you lasted way too long." So the chorus of the old song goes. The view from my shop window shows the season's change. September is a ripening month and the month when we move away from the heat of summer into the glorious colors of autumn and the harvest. |
Hurricane? Schmuricane! Hurricane Florence is upon us, but phttt. It's nutin'. Downgraded to just a Category 2 as I write. Let me tell you what a REAL hurricane was. It is spooky, but EXACTLY 15 years ago, Joyce and I were in Williamsburg, VA doing some research at historic Colonial Williamsburg. I had been commissioned to build an authentic reproduction of a chest and we were there (ostensibly) to make measured drawings and photos. As our plane lifted off from the runway in Omaha, Hurricane Isabel spotted us and pointed its evil eye right at our destination in Williamsburg! It was a category 5 hurricane. To put it short and sweet, there ain't enough tea in China to get me to EVER again be in, around, or near a hurricane. Our room was on a second floor and the building manager said we would be fine (while he caulked the thresholds of the first floor rooms against flooding) - "unless the roof blows off." We could not escape; we weathered the storm in place. Never again - ever. 165 mph wind means SUSTAINED wind, not gusts. Here's what it is like: Tie down an airplane on the runway and run up the prop to top speed. Get a fire hose and have somebody hold it in front of the prop opened up spraying water full blast. Then, go stand behind the prop and see how you like it. Oh, and the heat is in the 90's and the air pressure is so low your body swells up. And you don't know whether you'll live or die. I found the experience less than fun. And my back went out, too. I'll say no more.... |
"Oh how I hate to get up in the morning! Oh how I'd rather stay in bed." Irving Berlin's WW I song seemed to be playing in O.J.'s mind the other morning. He's a hard sleeper sometimes. Maybe he stayed out partying too late the night before? |
The garden was a bust this year, mostly. The tomatoes didn't like the high high temps, and they suffered from herbicide drift. These ones are the first and only from the season. Many of the plants just died. |
Usually, one tomato makes a huge handful. This year, these three scrawny fruits are the best examples I have to show. |
The late broccoli is sweet. |
The cayenne peppers are good. |
The plants in the cups are the Thanksgiving lettuces started just 2 weeks ago. I'm looking forward to cool mornings in the greenhouse. |
We did get enough tomatoes for one batch of homemade tomato/cayenne juice. Zoey loves tomato scraps. Between fresh tomato scraps and fresh raw sweetcorn, these are the only times I ever see her snap or get grouchy at anything. She's guarding her 'mater stash! |
Zoey is usually so calm. But not when somebody is tryin' to get her leavin's!!! Henrietta tried sneaking away a taste. Nope! The Replacement Platoon had already been scolded and sent away packing. |
After a half-hearted "Get Away!" snarl, Henrietta got the drift and decided to leave, too. |
But when it was all over and done with, O.J. decided to just lay back down and dream sweet dreams about ground squirrel stew or mousie pies. Oh how he hates to get up in the morning, and Oh how he'd rather just stay in bed. Some days are like that. Otherwise, all is well at Oakdale Farm. |
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