Nodding Off:
The Farm Report 10-26-2018 this. The buckwheat has been killed by... |
...This! Snow! In the middle of October! We went from no frost to inches of snow and ice cold temps overnight. And I don't mean that figuratively. I mean OVERNIGHT! |
This one little sad rose is all that survived from Joyce's Rose Bed. It had one more little perfect red rose bud growing on it. I was anticipating bringing it to you as a cover shot. |
This pretty much tells all about the season. Time to gather in and close up. |
The lettuces inside the greenhouse are thriving! This one is 'Little Gem.' |
This one is 'All Year 'Round' |
This one is a romaine type called 'Little Caesar' |
The roots they grow in the hydroponic sweater pans are amazing. |
Even though it is cold and the season is ending, there is always a place for an afternoon in the sun. They just laid there and soaked up the last of the heat. |