Friday, October 26, 2018

Nodding Off: The Farm Report 10-26-2018

Nodding Off:
 The Farm Report 10-26-2018

As we near the end of October and the days get shorter, everything is beginning to nod off. The garden seems like an old man who just sat down in his chair for the evening. When he sat down, he was still full of energy and ideas; but then as the hours waned, he began to drift a little. We went from this picture two weeks ago... this. The buckwheat has been killed by... 

...This! Snow! In the middle of October! We went from no frost to inches of snow and ice cold temps overnight. And I don't mean that figuratively. I mean OVERNIGHT! 

If you're not a gardener, you've never tasted the sweet goodness of fresh broccoli. If you're not a stubborn gardener, you've never tasted the special sweetness of broccoli after a frost. 'Cold?' asks the broccoli? 'We didn't notice it.' My 'sconie' days are showing, but I'm hungry for cheesy beer and  broccoli soup! (That would be 'Wisconsin days' for those not from there.)

The Michigan State University carrot project is still waiting for harvest. I usually try not digging the last of the carrots until just before the ground freezes. Sugar is Mother Nature's anti-freeze, and it makes the late carrots soooo sweet. Carrots like cold weather too.

After all the heat we endured this past summer, it is amazing that I have any strawberry plants at all. But! 'Hope springs eternal!' and I do have a really nice strawberry bed heading into next spring. 

Watermelons don't like cold at all. But the chickens do like cold weather melons. I pop one open for them every day or two. It does cause them some 'problems' which are unspeakable for here. But it is funny to see them poop water! I'm scheduled to have a colonoscopy in a few weeks, so maybe I shouldn't laugh. Karma?

This one little sad rose is all that survived from Joyce's Rose Bed. It had one more little perfect red rose bud growing on it. I was anticipating bringing it to you as a cover shot. 

So then one morning when I was out on my coffee/garden stroll I glanced over at it to see how it was doing. 'THOSE BASTARDS!' I shouted!!! The deer had leaned over the fence and clipped it off like they used scissors - and ate it for desert.  All they left me was the stem.

This pretty much tells all about the season. Time to gather in and close up. 

Sorry, Beth, but the snow took a tole on the muskmelon project. One bucket is still trying, the other is now planted to parsley. If we can't have melon, then we'll have delicious potato soup - with parsley. 

The lettuces inside the greenhouse are thriving! This one is 'Little Gem.' 

This one is 'All Year 'Round' 

This one is a romaine type called 'Little Caesar' 

The roots they grow in the hydroponic sweater pans are amazing. 

Even though it is cold and the season is ending, there is always a place for an afternoon in the sun. They just laid there and soaked up the last of the heat. 

Chickens in the road!

'Big Daddy' has had about all the crap he's going to tolerate from the diva, Silver Henrietta. It has been fun to watch him come into his own as the Sultan of the Flock. He's still being nice, but it won't be long before he takes up his scepter and orb.  This is all that remains of the season's flock: The Two Henriettas and the Remnant Brigade. They spend nights in Super Max High Security Jail. Last night at about 3:00 in the morning, Seth!, there were 5 coyotes running right where they are standing. All is right with the world here at Oakdale Farm, but slowing down. 

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